Classroom Wishlist

Wish List

Giving kiddos "experiences" within the classroom is incredibly spendy for a teacher!  If you feel you could donate any of the following items to our room,  you have no idea how much we would LOVE you!  As things are donated, or new wishes come up, I will update this list. Questions? Shoot me an email!

CRAFT SUPPLIES: I literally have an EMPTY CRAFT CUPBOARD!  We could use tacky glue, glitter, pipe cleaners, plastic gems,  crafting or construction paper, toilet paper and paper towel tubes, paper plates, tissue paper, bright card stock, etc.

THANK YOU to Gina Frazee for supplying a large amount of tempera paint, pom poms, and wiggle eyes!  We cannot wait to do a project with these!

SNACKS: Bulk pre-packaged healthy-ish crackers or other low-cal snacks would be appreciated.  We will try to have a snack daily after our afternoon recess. PLEASE, NO PEANUTS/ PEANUT BUTTER!!! Grade 2 is a Nut-free zone!  

We have enjoyed some wonderful snacks!  Applesauce pouches, sugar-free pudding cups, popcorn, crackers, mini cookies, animal crackers, fruit bars, and granola bars have all been a hit!  THANK YOU to all of you for your loving kindness and for filling up the kiddos' little tummies after recess!

CLASSROOM SUPPLIES:  THANK YOU, Moms, for the Clorox Wipes!  We are loving having clean and germ-free desks!